Organic Indonesia:

Imported Organic Product

All imported organic product distributed in Indonesia must be labeled ORGANIK INDONESIA on product packaging. For getting the logo of ORGANIK INDONESIA, importers must have certified organic by KAN accredited organic certification body.

As a KAN accredited certification body, ICERT can provide organic certification for imported products.

General requirement:

A. Equivalence assessment on standard and regulation.

  • The applicants submit copy of a valid organic certificate from producer in the origin country and Free of Sale Certificateto ICERT.
  • ICERT will do equivalency assessment of organic standard and regulation in origin country with Indonesia.
  • In case it is considered as equivalence, ICERT will issue a Recommendation of JIPO [Guarantee of Integrity for Organic Product] and provisional approval to use logo ORGANIK INDONESIA that can be used by importer for registering imported organic products to BPOM or to proceed Import Certificate [SKI] from BPOM.

B. Organic certification

  • ICERT does onsite inspection to warehouse and processing/repacking facility of imported product to assess compliances of handling for imported organic products against the standard and regulation in Indonesia.
  • In case it is comply, ICERT will issue organic certification and gives a right to use the label ORGANIK Indonesia.

Information on organic certification for imported product, please click here.