PT Icert Agritama Internasional [hereinafter called ICERT] as Product Certification Body [LSPr ICERT] is committed to:

  1. Become a reliable company to ensure performance sustainability for the partners. 
  2. implement, develop and improve its existence as an independent and reliable certification body to ensure the sustainability performance of partners through qualified, fast and consumer-oriented services.

Gazetted by the Director of ICERT in Bogor, September 16, 2022.


  1. ICERT is a KAN accredited certification body according to ISO as a product certification body [LSPr-095-IDN] with the following organic certification scopes: crop production and crop products; livestock and livestock products; wild collection; handling and processing of products originating from crops, livestock, and wild collection; and organic commercial inputs.

    Previously, ICERT was a KAN accredited organic certification body [LSO-009-IDN]. Refers to a KAN accreditation letter no. 1020/3.a2/LIS/08/2022 dated August 24, 2022 on the Accreditation Decision of PT Icert Agritama Internasional, which determines the change of accreditation identification ID of ICERT from LSO-009-IDN to LSPr-095-IDN commenced on October 1st, 2022.

  2. Authorization from ACT(Agriculture Certification Thailand) – Thailand for organic EU, COR [Canada Organic Regime] -NOP Equivalence & IFOAM.

  3. ICERT is acknowledged as a 4Ccertification body with the following geographical scope: China, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.

  4. ICERT was appointed by the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia [BSN] as the IndoGAP Food Crop product certification body for rice, corn and soybean commodities.


ICERT is committed to anti-bribery in service activities and controls the risk of bribery. Any fraud, fraud, dishonesty, theft / embezzlement, violations in the procurement process of goods and services, abuse of position / authority, bribery / gratification occurring at ICERT or related to ICERT will be promptly investigated.

ICERT analyzes the reports and follows up on those violation reports based on the evidence provided and protects the reporter. Reporter must provide information at least as follows:

  • Types of violations
  • Time of violation, such as date, day and hour.
  • Parties involved in the breach.
  • Other evidence to substantiate that such violation occurs, such as a transaction document whether in the form of a visual, audio or paper recording, or
  • Inform other witnesses involved in witnessing the event but not involved in the violation.
  • The report is supported by relevant data and intended for the Company’s interest, not aimed at bringing down someone. The report can be submitted to the director of ICERT, via Email: icert@icert.id or ICERT website

Reporters should provide their identity in reporting the complaints and information of reporter’s identity and its report are kept confidentially. Reporting via Whistleblowing System Report is carried out with anonymous, confidential and independent principles.


We guarantee that ICERT personnel maintain neutrality values as summarized in the following actions:

  • Maintaining confidentiality of client data during managing the certification process.
  • ICERT has set service fee scheme and does not depend on the status of the client or the capacity of the product produced by the client.
  • ICERT Personnel manage conflicts of interest by not accepting any gifts in any form from third parties.

ICERT has rules for each personnel to disclose all situations when there is a potential conflict of interest.