Organic Indonesia:

Livestock and Livestock Product

Livestock is an integral part of organic agriculture production. Animal husbandry has an important contribution to the organic farming system, such as: improving and maintaining soil fertility, improving the management of biological resources, increasing biodiversity and the diversity of the farming system.

Organic livestock production is based on the harmonious relationship between land, plants and livestock achieved through management that takes into account the physiological and behavioral needs of animals and provide them with good-quality organic feed.

Livestock and livestock products [milk, meat, egg, cheese, etc.] can be sold in Indonesia as organic if it has been certified as organic according to SNI 6729:2016Permentan No. 64/2013  and Perka BPOM No.1/2017 by a KAN-accredited organic certification body likes ICERT. In case it has been certified as organic, the products can be labeled with ORGANIK Indonesia.

General Requirements

  • Animals shall be reared organically from birth. When organic stock are not available due to the early stage of development of organic livestock, it is allowed to bring in stock from conventional production
  • Animal feeds use organic feed or permitted ingredients.
  • Animals shall be reared by taking into animal Welfare [conditions of cages, drinking water, natural lighting, fresh air, stress-free environment].
  • Organic production promotes and maintains the health and well-being of animals through balanced organic diets, stress-free environment and the selection of breeds for their resistance to diseases, parasites and infections.
  • Implementing an organic management system for livestock production.

Further information on organic certification for the following animals:

  • Organic ruminants [cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep] and rabbit click
  • Organic poultry [chicken, swan, turkey, duck] , click

Other related information:
Organic Certification Guide
Organic Certification Procedure
Organic Certification Application.
Terms of Use of the INDONESIAN ORGANIC Logo.
Label Compatibility Assessment
Maintaining, Extending, Reducing, Suspending, Withdrawing Certification
List of certified client for livestock

For further information, please click