Organic Indonesia:

Handling & Processing

Requirements on organic handling and processing for plant origin, livestock and livestock products, wild collected products:

  • Using organic certified ingredients as shown by a copy of valid organic certificate.
  • During the process of handling and processing from receiving raw materials to final products is not commingled with non-organic products and don’t contaminate with prohibited materials.
  • Products can be claimed as “organic” when using at least 95% organic ingredient, excluding water and salt.
  • Implementing an organic system plan for handling and processing.

Further information on organic certification for processed food, please click here

Organic Certification For Handler & Packer

For business actors who market organic products under their own brand, they can apply for organic certification themselves if they handle and/or package organic products [including repackaging and labeling]. These activities can be carried out in self-owned facilities or by third parties [sub-contracts].

Organic Certification for Handlers & Packers also applies to service providers for the handling and packing of organic products for third parties [providers]. In this case, the provider can provide handling and packing services for organic products for any organic producer, processor or trader.

For information about organic certification for handlers and packers, please click here